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lunes, 12 de julio de 20210 comentarios


I'm Frederick Seward, a research assistant working with FIRSTLINE Laboratory, one of the leading laboratories here in the United Kingdom. I'm looking for a reliable businessman/individual from your region to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw materials used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral vaccines and other life saving pharmaceutical products. 

My company FIRSTLINE laboratory lost the supplier to this herbal extract this year to covid 19 and since then it has halted production in the company because this herbal extract is a rare herbal extract oil and it's scarce. 

This might not be your area of specialization but it represents a significant opportunity to generate more income for you. This is because our company is yet to locate any supplier to buy from. However, I have been able to discover a manufacturer who can supply us these products. 

He supplies at a cheap rate, essentially cheaper than our previous purchases. My director is not yet aware that I have found a l seller. 

Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU:I want you to stand in as a new manufacturer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for this is that I don't want my company to have direct contacts with the manufacturer that sells this herbal extract very affordably. This will enable us to work together as partners and make real sizable profits from the deal.

You, as the manufacturer, will supply to our company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we form an agreement and this will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit. I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested.

However, write to me through "" do not reply through our office desk.



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