Good day Friend, I hope you and your family are safe from coronavirus

jueves, 26 de marzo de 20200 comentarios


Greeting in the name of our almighty God, My name is Sarah Mills and I have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and I have less than 14 days to live. I am presently confided to my house because I refused to stay in the hospital with the help of my private doctor.
My main reason for contacting you is because I want to entrust a charity project to you, I know this may sound so strange to you and also extremely risky for me to offer such proposal to a total stranger on via email but this is my last resort to get this done since I have less than 14 days to live. I have tried to get a vaccine to help safe me from this trial time but even money have failed me.
I am looking for a confidant, someone to help fulfill my last wish in this my dying moment. Hope to read from you to enable me tell you more about it. I will appreciate your selfless act towards the less privilege, I don_t mind if you could be of trustful help. I will be waiting to read from you urgently as time is of essence due the limited time I have and my ill health condition.
I hope you and your family are safe and not lacking anything at this phrase of lockdown around the world. I do not have formal relationship with you but because of my present predicament and circumstances i am presently, made to contact you.
Thank you,

Sarah Mills

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